西班牙&E's Sustainability Strategy

Helping build healthier, safer and stronger communities and a clean energy future


Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2045

California is targeting a just and equitable energy transition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. 这意味着从大气中去除与加州产生的碳一样多的碳. 在圣地亚哥和奥兰治县南部地区,可持续发展目标&E和许多地方城市也将碳中和作为他们的目标.

In April 2022, 西班牙&E published 净零之路:加州的脱碳路线图. 经济领域的温室气体(GHG)研究, 哪一个是由领先的第三方专家支持的, informs our options to achieve net zero emissions by 2045 while maintaining energy resiliency, reliability and affordability.

net zero platform chart

Our Progress

我们对可持续发展的承诺贯穿于我们所做的一切. 我们正在努力减少碳足迹, 促进能源创新和节约, and encourage our employees and the communities we serve to take daily action to help ensure a sustainable and equitable energy future for generations to come.

阅读我们的 2023 Sustainability Highlights, which shares progress on our goals and highlights key projects that are helping to build an equitable and clean energy economy.

You can also find more information regarding sustainability in the following documents:

Hydrogen Innovations 

作为我们可持续发展战略的一部分,可持续发展目标&E is exploring the potential of clean hydrogen to help advance our state and region's climate action goals. 西班牙&E公司正在开发几个试点项目,以测试氢气的长期储能能力, electric generation, vehicle fueling, 并与现有的天然气系统混合. 了解更多全球十大博彩公司评级的氢项目 ycdwkj666.com/hydrogen.

hydrogen tanks
image of microgrids

Energy 存储 & Microgrids

西班牙&E is building a diverse portfolio of energy storage solutions — including vanadium redox flow, lithium-ion manganese, lithium-ion phosphate, and iron-salt flow batteries — to build grid reliability and help store surplus renewable energy. 所有的西班牙&能源项目与国家市场相连, meaning the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) will be able to dispatch energy at any time to balance supply and demand on the statewide grid. Learn more about microgrids at ycdwkj666.com/microgrid.

Clean Transportation

In Southern California, the transportation sector is the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions – a key driver behind climate change and a major source of air pollution, according to the California Air Resources Board.  

EV Charging

Fleet Decarbonization

西班牙&E is committed to reimagining transportation — the single largest source of GHG emissions in our state and in our region. This commitment includes transforming our own fleet of vehicles that travel all around the region and to neighborhoods every day. 

Our work to decarbonize our fleet goes beyond purchasing ZEVs and also includes:

  • 投资于能够捕获指标的工具,以帮助我们提高安全性, 可持续发展和运作效率
  • 监测空转活动并安装空转缓解系统 
  • Continually evaluating new electric vehicles coming to market and working with manufacturers to support customizations for our fleet
bucket truck image

Climate Adaptation

weather team image

Studying Climate Change Impacts

气候变化及其相关危害, like flooding and wildfires, 已经影响到圣地亚哥地区了吗. 在西班牙&E we are on a mission to continuously improve our own climate resilience as well as the resiliency of the communities we serve. Our work prioritizes equity and advances science through cutting-edge technology and strategic regional partnerships. Learn more at ycdwkj666.com/climate-adaptation-sdge.

Sustainable Operations

Our focus on environmental stewardship extends to the office buildings and other facilities where we work. Over the past decade, we have made significant progress to reduce, reuse and recycle. 最近, 我们更新了我们的设施目标,以提高更高的标准, 我们希望到2030年实现我们所有设施的零净能耗. 与此同时, our supply management team is stepping up efforts to source more sustainable goods and services.

Power Plant
Drought Tolerant Landscaping


By 2030, we aim to:

  • 将与设施有关的废物100%转移至堆填区,减少, 重用, 回收和回收材料废物
  • Reduce facilities freshwater use by 50% (2010 baseline) by investing in low-flow/waterless fixtures, 雨水和水回收系统和耐旱景观
  • 实现所有自有设施零净能耗(当前使用量~5).5兆瓦),探索新的建筑脱碳解决方案, energy efficiency, 可再生能源信贷和现场发电
  • 通过约2,000个电动汽车充电点的现场充电,实现绿色里程
  • 赚你.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (USGBC LEED®) (Silver+) certifications for all new construction

Environmental Stewardship

圣地亚哥是美国和可持续发展目标中生物多样性最丰富的地区之一&E努力保护、恢复和加强这一独特的地区. For decades, we have helped balance local economic growth with quality of life for the communities we serve -- all while protecting the species and habitats that make San Diego so special.

Our goals for biodiversity and environmental stewardship vary by project and include:

  • 没有湿地或水域的净损失, 包括沿海岸或敏感的高地植被群落, habitats and rare plants
  • Net improvement in ecological conditions for any sensitive habitats that may have been temporarily impacted by operations
  • Enhancement of existing habitats and the establishment of permanently protected preserves for important local animal species
  • Net benefit to species listed as threatened or endangered by state or federal authorities, 包括加州最小燕鸥, 一种濒临灭绝的迁徙海鸟,在我们的沙滩沿岸筑巢


Habitat Conservation Planning

西班牙&E now operates under a Habitat Conservation Plan Amendment that was approved in 2023 and expands species protections and applies our successful approach to the company’s full service territory.  Through our plan, 我们保护了近400英亩的溪流, 湿地, grasslands, scrub and woodland habitats and the species who depend on these important habitats. 

Hermes butterfly
Spadefoot Toadlet

Clover Flats Seedbank Propagates Native Species

原生植物对栖息地恢复工作的成功至关重要. 然而,在我们地区很难找到当地的本地植物种子. To address this challenge, 西班牙&E helped develop a seedbank by leasing a portion of the Back Country Land Trust’s Clover Flat property in southeastern San Diego County to grow native plants for seeding, harvesting, sorting and storage.

了解更多关于Clover Flats种子银行的信息


西班牙&E一直是区域城市林业的长期合作伙伴, supporting tree planting, vegetation care best practices and education about the importance of planting the right tree in the right place. 西班牙&E也承诺种植至少10棵,每年种植5000棵树,以支持当地的生物多样性, improve air quality, 封存碳,节约用水,造福当地社区. We work to achieve this goal through creative programs that engage our customers and community partners in planting trees in parks and open spaces throughout our service territory. 

man planting trees

Community Engagement

volunteers planting trees

西班牙&E has a long history of volunteering with and investing in community-based organizations dedicated to improving the environment, 公共安全和所有圣地亚哥人的生活质量. We are committed to facilitating a just and equitable clean energy transition and regularly engage a network of stakeholders to help us better meet the needs of underserved communities through our sustainability programs. Visit our community pages to learn more. 

We want to hear from you!

我们重视本地区居民、组织和企业的声音. 如果您对我们的目标有任何意见或反馈, 我们的策略,甚至是你对可持续发展的关注, please share your thoughts.

Additionally, 如果你想了解可持续发展项目的最新情况, 我们的目标或其他公告的进展, 请填写以下表格与我们联系.

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